One Tuesday a package was delivered to Hazy Mae, and when she opened it she found a cookie jar with a love letter inside it. She loved it- the size, the character, the functionality- and one cookie jar turned into a collection of about one hundred.
With all of the cookie jar characters around her, they began to show up in her work- in paintings, drawings & animated films. Then one day she decided that she wanted to make her own cookie jars, where she could keep the playful, curious character style- that she loves about the cookie jars from the 20's-50's- and take a fresh approach with monochromatic design.
Hazy Mae's cookie jars are the stuff of fairy tales, whimsical and arresting, a bit frightening and wonderfully in-your-face. The cookie jar is such an American icon--so many conflicting meanings and references, dangerous and comforting all at once. Each having its own domestic mysteries.